It is not the first time that a democratic political system is twisted and warped to benefit the leaders of a democratic country. For the ever smiling duo of Alexis Tsipras and (former finance minister) Janis Varoufakis to claim that the referendum held on July 5 is a demonstration of democracy in action is a travesty of the system first introduced 500 BC in ancient Athens.

Sixty per cent voted Oxi (no) for the proposals from Brussels. No doubt, the people of Greece would have voted Oxi if they were asked whether the pensionable age should be increased, if public service employees were to be reduced, if asked to pay more taxes and, undoubtedly, to stopping the free cash flowing into Greece from the taxes of the hard-working citizens of the rest of Europe.

If Tsipras is so proud of the democratic legacy from Greece, he should find no difficulty to accept the outcome of a referendum held in the rest of Europe when I am sure a vast majority would also vote Oxi to giving unconditional aid to Greece.

The persistent smug smile of these two characters shows that they are pathologically detached from reality and immersed in their leftist beliefs that others owe them a living.

They will immerse Greece ever deeper into trouble and will likely affect others in the rest of Europe. The biggest blunder of these two open-collared statesman is that in just a few weeks they have managed to destroy brand Greece from a tranquil affable country to one which is fast becoming despised by many, damaging its tourist industry in the process.

It is just as well that they insist on not wearing a tie, they will have the space for the hangman’s noose they are slowly braiding for themselves.

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