I refer to Mark Sammut’s article ‘The pursuit of glorification’ (June 3), where he writes: “I e-mailed Cassola at least twice to ask him why he and the other board members behaved in this dishonourable way. His answers were reluctant and evasive and his overall attitude insouciant.”

I am attaching his e-mails (seen by this newspaper) and my two answers, verbatim and in Maltese.

In my first answer I directed him to the editor of the publication he was asking clarification about (Journal of Maltese Studies) for the editor’s response.

Following his veiled deadline threat in his second e-mail “Nistenna mingħandek sal-lejla jekk jogħġbok, billi dil-ħaġa mhux fi ħsiebi li ma ssirx pubblika” (I am expecting a reply by tonight because I intend to make this issue public), I concluded the correspondence with the following two liner: “Ħallejt nofs-il-lejl jgħaddi għax jien ma noqgħod għal ebda deadline rikattatorju. Agħmel dak li jidhirlek li għandek tagħmel” (I made sure I write this past midnight because I will not take any blackmailing deadlines. Do what you deem fit.)

I do not take any blackmailing threats from anybody, more so from a person convicted of a criminal offence like Sammut.

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