Evidence by an architect involved in monitoring building works at Mater Dei Hospital came under particular scrutiny by a Board of Inquiry into weak concrete in the building, which went so far to say that he should have resigned after pointing to shortcomings and not stayed there till the end.

The inquiry report was tabled in Parliament yesterday.

Architect  Albert Cauchi (AC) was a structural  reviewer  and carried out inspections   on site. He stated  that  he had  concerns  with the design  but that he was never given a copy of the agreement with Ortesa, then responsible for the design. 

He  stated  that  the  site  as  originally   built  was  never  intended to allow for vertical  expansion. In a letter in May 1997 he stating that the columns may not  be able to take any extra load.  There  were various  occasions when he had to stop the contractor from proceeding with certain  works due to bad workmanship or work practices and he also ordered that some works be demolished.

After the year 2000 someone decided to excavate underneath the foundations of the site and he also objected. However these excavations were proceeded with.

On certain occasions when he indicated bad workmanship  he was over-ruled. Asked if he agreed  with the assessment  made  by Arch. Attard  Montaldo  in his letter dated  2nd  August 1996 in response to Ortesa that quality  of works was generally good, he bluntly  asserted that "Le ma naqbilx  kien hemm hafna affarijiet Ii jinkwetawni."

He then  went  on  a rant  exclaiming   that  "This  is Malta  pero  l-Lm200  million hadd  ma jaf   fejn  marru.  Darba  baghatuli wiehed  wara, supervisor, ghax  jiena dejjem  nitlob ghal  supervisors, baghatuli wiehed  kien  canvasser ta'  ministru, l-anqas jifhem  tikka.  lmbaghad id-Design and Build  contract? Cost-plus. Hija oxxena. Oxxena kienet  dik. X'kontroll irid ikun hemm. ll-kuntratur ma kien ikollu kontroll  ta' xejn. Jaghmel li jrid! Oxxena! Min kien responsabbli ghaliha din tel-cost-plus sorry ta? Hadd ma tkellem." 

He said there was a breakdown of communication within the management office to such an extent that he was  not  able  to communicate his serious concerns  to those above him in the chain  of command. Presented with the present day technical reports he claimed that he was not surprised at all with the results explaining   that  "I'll tell you what happens, il-konkrit jibaghatuh mill-plant, il-konkrit fil  plant  jkun tajjeb, ahna naraw ir-rizultati u jkunu  tajbin u niffirmawh dan tajjeb, by the time it gets on site, id-driver jiftahlu l-ilma.

"Kif izzidlu l-ilma  il x-jismu tieghu jinzel hafna.That is one of the causes.

"The other cause is they either don't vibrate properly."

He further  stated that  "Jiene kont smajt  Ii dahu certu sub-contractors hemmhekk Ii qatt ma kellhom isem tajjeb - dawn  kienu issemmew fil-gazzetti bhal  Bastjan Dalli. Dawn dahlu erbgha cowboys hemmhekk   first   class   and   this is what brings the  cost  plus  contract. Corruption. I could see it. U min ma kienx qed jarahom  vera  ghalaq   ghajnejh    ghax ... Another  thing I want to mention billi kien hemm tal-franka   u din  u l-ohra, ahna setghu jghidulna Ii gej minghand  Blockrete u forsi kien jigi minn x'imkien iehor il-konkrit. Fejn tkun taf minn fejn qed  igibu l-konkrit?"

In view of the above he was  specifically asked  if he had suspected that work was not  being done properly, and that everyone knew that the work was not being done properly, but was being told to just  let it be, he solemnly declared "Yes yes, dik."



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