I suspect many readers have no­ticed that since the last protected bird was shot and the hunting ban was reintroduced, birds have begun to return to pathways of safety.

Gardens, streets and public paths have become adorned with species of so many birds that children – new to the hearing and the sight – have become renewed. What a joy it is to see nature returned to all of glorious Malta – and with it the radiance.

Two of our friends have visited us these past 10 years and have re­mark­ed about the absence of birdly chatter. In Liverpool such sounds are abundant and taken for granted. Here the absence of chattering finches and the rest has been a constant test for locals and tourists alike.

On a recent visit to Liverpool we met a man who had developed a dangerous mentality towards Malta. “They shoot birds,” he scream­ed. “Someone should bomb the place.”

What a horrid man to put birds above people’s lives. We learnt later he supported the British National Front, which is no recommendation. At the time, the shooting of innocent birds was still in progress and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had not yet stopped it.

Our friends are with us now and are throwing bird seeds and nuts to feed these mischievous birds. We are buying a wooden bird feeder for our courtyard. It is the first time in eight years we have thought of such a thing. Buying nuts and seeds because we know the birds can at last live another day and return to give us – young and old alike – the joyous companionship of birdsong.

Let us rejoice and create sanctuaries in their backyards for these innocent creatures we are duty bound to protect. May we all learn to love the endearing sounds of birdsong around our balconies, yards and gardens.

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