I write this letter in memory of my parents, friends and other Maltese nationals who experienced World War II between 1940 and 1945.

I am 84 years old and still remember what we Maltese went through during my boyhood years of nine to 14. We did not have enough to eat, so my parents, God bless them, went without food for days themselves so my sister and I could nourish ourselves.

They had to pay well in order to buy flour which we ateas pancakes.

My friends and I used to go to Iklin to gather carob fruit to satisfy our hunger. We also ate tomatoes and raw potatoes.

We were always in fear of having our house bombed as some friends indeed had.

We had the back wall of our garden bombed and were always afraid of possible burglars.

My father had to stay guard while the rest of the family went down to the bomb shelter where we stayed for days and nights.

We lost a friend in a bombing raid on a Mosta shelter. Others died as did numerous Maltese servicemen. We had friends who lost their houses and all their belongings.

Yes, indeed, all Maltese living through those terrible years deserved the George Cross.

This could have been just stored in a box somewhere where no one could see it. But, more important it was displayed on Malta’s national flag for all the peoples of the world to see and remember the gallant Maltese people living between 1940 and 1945.

Much, much more important still, it makes these Maltese people, including me, very proud indeed.

So, let no one dare take the George Cross away from our glorious flag.

No one has the right.

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