The article ‘As Britons vote, EU watches’ (May 7) stated that a Maltese, resident in the UK, may vote in UK general elections regardless of how long they’ve lived in the UK or whether they hold British citizenship or not.

I feel it is most unfair that my wife who is allowed to vote in the UK general elections as a Maltese citizen (she does not hold British citizenship or passport) has a voice in UK issues while I am dumb with regard to issues here in Malta that directly affect me and my family.

I feel ‘selectively’ discriminated against, as having lived in Malta over 20 years, married to a Maltese for over 35 years, subject to Maltese tax and National Insurance contributions, both of which I have paid (and as far as tax is concerned still do) and subject to all Maltese law and the consequences and directives of all Maltese governments – even so, I have no say in any of it.

Dr Muscat has said recently: “Maltese citizens should be treated as equals with the rest of the EU.” More equally maybe, but not less. Isn’t my situation (and that of other expats) somewhat “less equal”?

This anomaly may be a Commonwealth thing and nothing to do with the EU, but what is wrong with one courtesy being reciprocated in the same manner?

The American revolution was fought on the slogan: “No taxation without representation” – that is exactly what this is, and I can think of no justification reason for it... unless of course there is some political agenda involved.

But as all parties hold neutral ground in this issue I can see no benefit or disadvantage to any, except perhaps the advantages of gaining the respect, gratitude and perhaps vote of the expat block.

Perhaps one of the three parties (or all) would like to give us an answer?

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