The Chamber of Commerce has expressed satisfaction at the recent announcement of Jordanian investment but said it shared the reservations expressed in various quarters to plans for the project on pristine agricultural land in an outside development zone.

In a statement this morning, the chamber said it believed the project in question could provide the opportunity to retrofit and/or redevelop a disused building or area.

This approach would add value to a disused or undervalued area in the south, fulfilling the core aim of the project.

It would also underline the value of sustainable use of land.

The Chamber said it noted the Opposition’s objections yesterday and agreed that alternative sites be found for the project. It agreed with the suggestion to retrofit and redevelop disused sites as a worthy alternative location, such as the former St Luke’s Hospital, or, if this has been designated for another project, a similar site.

However, it said it could not agree with the suggestion to site the development on land designated for industrial purposes since this was in very short supply and should not be considered for any other purpose.

The Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses yesterday said it did not agree with the Opposition’s proposal for the former St Luke's Hospital to be used for the university.

It said it was informed the hospital was to play an important role in the improvement of health services in line with a plan aimed to a increased services and beds.

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