One of my delights in the past was driving along the Coast Road. This was because it was the longest stretch of land in Malta where one could enjoy beautiful scenery – the blue sea and the horizon sometimes dotted with passing vessels, yachts and speedboats.

In winter I would often stop by the roadside (in the space that was then available) and wonder at nature’s beauty – the huge waves on a stormy day, often with foaming crests like horses racing towards the shore, the puddles on the rocks, the seagulls and other little joys I found so peaceful and relaxing.

In summer, the shimmering water or the tiny waves that lap the rocks, the boats, the campers, the occasional dip in the blue sea and a hundred other things made the place so idyllic.

But not anymore! I have been along the new Coast Road and realised that it will be completely changed.

For one thing, you can hardly enjoy the sight of the sea while driving. Pretty walls have been built almost all the way along the road and there is no access to the rocks as far as I could see.

This is a real pity. The walls are quite high and look more like bastions. Will they protect us from future invaders?

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