There is a dream that secularists must surely have. This is the confinement of religious faith and its values to the purely private sphere, preferably to be neither seen nor heard.

The bad news to those who propose this is that Christians, following the Lord’s injunction to go and teach all nations, from the roof tops if necessary, will not comply. Thus, believers, as has repeatedly happened especially during these last few decades, will inevitably find themselves at odds with what ‘the world’ proposes and endorses, even through legislation.

Christians, for example, firmly believe “that man and woman have been created, willed by God.” (CCC 369) From the beginning “male and female He created them”. (Genesis 1:27). “Man and woman were created for each other, complementary as masculine and feminine. In marriage God unites in such a way that by forming ‘one flesh’ they can transmit human life.” (CCC 372)

In the account of creation it is amply clear that at the very start of history harmony existed within the whole of creation on both the physical and moral level. This came to a devastating end when sin entered into the world.

Christians have a daunting task, faced as they are by the disorder caused as a result of original sin. However, they will never be deterred from proclaiming that in God’s plan there are the male and female gender, made in His image, made for each other and by being fruitful they can multiply and fill the earth. Laws which imply otherwise are irrelevant to committed believers.

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