I would like to voice my opinion on the issue of the youth vote being omitted from voting for the referendum, while 16+ youths can vote for the local councils for the first time. I had to ask myself: why is that?

Recently, the University Students’ Council (KSU), after commissioning a professional poll and then taking an internal vote on the matter, took a stand against spring hunting, while fully respecting entities that are in favour.

This was met by an uproar among several (seemingly older) individuals on social media and through comments on newspaper websites along the lines of: who are you to say so? What do students know about spring hunting? Did you see these birds while you were in Paceville?’

This is sadly the general attitude towards youth: even if you possess a university degree, a Masters or even a PhD, your youth will overshadow your knowledge, to the effect of ‘You do not have enough experience.’

Malta’s literacy rate in relation to youths is among the lowest in Europe. Why is that? Does this mean that young people do not envisage a more favourable future if they continue to study? That is exactly what it looks like to me.

If, after graduating, the possibility of a fulfilling, stable paid job is low, what could encourage youths to continue their education, I wonder. And if, after graduating, they are met with scorn when applying for said jobs and offered acceptable but uninspiring alternatives, I wonder even further.

These are the struggles of youths today. They call us the ‘lost generation’ for a reason.

So, what are young people doing exactly that merits respect? Look around you. What are we doing?

There are so many ways youths are taking an active part in society. The number of youth groups is on the increase, tackling matters such as the environment, animal welfare, social issues, gender, politics, arts, music, literature and myriad other interests.

Active youths are no longer the exception in this society; we are all interested in making a change, meeting people with the same interests and finding support in a group of like-minded individuals.

On Saturday, youths in Malta will vote, and they will vote No

Youths are rising above all that is dragging us down in the mundane day-to-day world we live in.

After a long, 40-hour week of work, what do most young people do in the weekend?

Go out in the countryside. Yes, a few minutes of scrolling through your homepage on any Sunday afternoon and you will see Maltese youths flocking to any speck of natural beauty we have and, luckily for us, we have plenty of beautiful spots to choose from.

Getting away from it all and sitting quietly for a picnic, listening to the birds chirping and feeling the warm sunshine on your face: now where are all your worries?

So how can you be surprised that youths are increasingly supporting the Shout campaign with all they’ve got? We are not willing to have the pleasure of a weekly escape into nature taken away from us, even if for a few weeks.

What about the shooting down of migrating birds on their way to breed? Are all young people vegetarians? Of course, not.

Different young students will tackle this in different ways.

Most science students are backing the Shout campaign, of course. Why is that?

Is it because they have no notion of Maltese natural issues? Or is it because their lives revolve around a course designed to teach them about sustainability, ecology and community?

What do psychology students know about our society, the positive effects that vitamin D and animal companionship have on our psyche?

What do law students know about Maltese and EU legislation?

What do history students know about our past?

What do medical students know about the effects of lead in our food?

Does the Maltese youth deserve to vote in the upcoming referendum? I’d say they are the ones this issue depends on.

The responsibility sits squarely on our shoulders to break the idea of the indifference, apathy and laissez- faire of youth and show the nation that we really are a useful and active part of our society.

We can still do this, even though 16+ students are not allowed to vote in the referendum.

I am positive that, on Saturday, youths in Malta eligible to vote will not let us down. They will vote, and they will vote No.

Elena Portelli is project leader for Greenhouse Malta.

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