Q: Last year I bought a dehumidifier with a two-year commercial guarantee. Some weeks ago, the overflow did not work and, as a result, it flooded the room and damaged the parquet flooring.

At first, I thought it was my fault because I did not lock its compartment properly, but now it did it again.

So I took the dehumidifier to the seller’s service department and they immediately admitted that it was faulty and needed to replace some components.

When I told them about the damages I suffered and asked to be compensated, their reply was that the dehumidifier comes from China and that I should not have any expectations. The trader kept the appliance to have it repaired as per guarantee.

I would like to know if I have the right to be compensated for the damages I suffered?

A: As per the commercial guarantee and also the legal guarantee, you have the right to have the dehumidifier repaired free of charge. You are also entitled to claim compensation for the damages you suffered because of the product’s defect.

This applies as long as you have proof of the expenses you incurred to fix the damaged parquet and if you are not going to claim refund for such damages from other sources, such as through a home insurance policy.

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