A career path is by no means an easy decision to take. Few of us know for certain what we want to do for the rest of our lives. Most of us seek opportunities and let them lead the way. This is what Deloitte does.

Deloitte provides a world of opportunities for a wide variety of skills and personalities. Deloitte looks for that something special in its members of staff that propels them to launch their career with the firm. At its basis there is however recognition that if you have an understanding of accounts your path in the financial services sector will be that much easier. Your options will be better and openings wider. Deloitte offers you the possibility to launch and build your career.

Deloitte’s broad range of services gives you the possibility to start your career within audit, tax, enterprise risk or financial advisory services. Deloitte’s global structure provides the right environment for you to be exposed to different experiences and the firm’s varied client base exposes you to multiple industries across the various sectors. At Deloitte, people are offered a world of opportunities.

Deloitte’s annual recruitment event, Brightstart, took place on Saturday, March 21 at the Deloitte offices in Mriehel. The event saw Deloitte’s foyer transformed into an information centre bustling with activity, as students explored Deloitte’s programmes for tertiary education in professional services. Deloitte directors and staff shared their experiences with the students and discussed their plans for the future.

Students and graduates who choose to enrol on one of Deloitte’s educational programmes are provided with an advantageous opportunity to continuously develop themselves professionally and personally with constant support. This support is passed on during their studies and on the job. In this respect, Deloitte is mainly seeking: students who have completed secondary education and are considering the various options available to them; students who are currently studying accounts or law at University; and graduates who already possess a first degree and plan to continue their studies in the field of business.

The Deloitte programmes for tertiary education in professional services offer various opportunities to those wishing to pursue a career in the financial sector or any related area of business. There are a range of different options enabling students to choose whether they would rather work full-time and study part-time or vice versa, or a mix of both.

Deloitte’s Pathway programme is targeted specifically at University students majoring in a degree in accounts in the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy while Deloitte’s LLB and LLD programmes are targeted at law students with an interest in taxation. Deloitte’s ACA programme allows students to concentrate on their studies for most of the year while the Deloitte ACCA programmes enable students to balance work with study with the support of Deloitte.

Deloitte’s educational programmes support students and graduates to ensure that Malta’s next generation of business leaders will be provided with a dynamic and rewarding career path.

Applications for Deloitte’s educational programmes are open until March 31, 2015. Those wishing to apply can visit www.deloitte.com/mt/careers and submit an online application.

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