A couple of days ago, I was helping out our profoundly deaf daughter to renew her car insurance, in the light of her obtaining a new (to her) vehicle.

Since a change in insurance agencies was recommended by the brokers, she was asked to provide a medical certificate confirming she was still “fit to drive”.

I beg your pardon? Do we ask “normal” drivers if anything has changed when they take on new insurers? If the deaf have to provide a medical certificate, should we not ask all and sundry for the same? Is it not possible, especially among those whose age is advancing, that there was neurological, cardiac or other deterioration rendering them more of a risk to insure?

The Prime Minister recently announced that reforms were under way for those with a disability. Apart from the other needs and wants for the deaf community that his Parliamentary Secretary is well aware of, I sincerely hope that this reform includes making such discrimination an offence.

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