Home Affairs Minister's driver Paul Sheehan told the police control room that he had fired twice at a car which smashed into the ministerial car, and he would keep on firing.

He also told the control room that the minister was with him as he was heard firing twice  

PC Sheenan’s conversation with the control room on November 19 was released by the PN’s media this evening. The minister, Manuel Mallia, has always insisted, and no one has disputed, that at the time of the incident he was actually attending a social function at police headquarters. The incident happened while Mr Sheehan was visiting his mother in Gzira. 

In the recording, Mr Sheenan is heard calling the police control room and requesting assistance, saying that somebody had smashed into the minister's car, and the minister was with him.

He is then heard firing at the other car as it drives away towards the Tal-Qroqq tunnels.  He also says he will keep shooting unless assistance is sent.

Listen to the conversation in the youtube video below. The transcript follows.

Control Room: Hello 112 l-Emergenza

PC Sheehan: 112 d-driver tal ministru, ibghat lil tal-RIU

Control Room: X’ghandek?

PC Sheehan: Urgenti fejn il-pixxina

Control Room: Pixxina fejn?

PC Sheehan: Tal-Qroqq

Control Room: Ehe, fejn ezatt fil-parking?

PC Sheehan: Ehe, fejn il-parking

Control Room: X’ghandek?

PC Sheehan: Jarawni. Faqghuli l-karozza tal-ministru u baqa sejjer. Gie biex jattakani u hrigt l-arma ghalih ha tkun taf.

Control Room: Sorry?

PC Sheehan: Ghidtlek faqali l-karozza tal-ministru.

Control Room: Sewwa.

PC Sheehan: Orrajt. Ejjew issa.

Control Room: Issa ghidli l-karozza li habtet mieghek. Inutli nibghatlek l-RIU hemmhekk. Inti trid tmur l-eqreb ghassa.

PC Sheehan: Ma nistax. Qed inkellmek jiena. Ghandi l-ministru mieghi.

Control Room: Iwa, naf x’inti tghidli jahasra... il-Ministu. Il-Karozza, ghandek idea x’kienet il-karozza?

PC Sheehan: Opel Vauxhall. Ha jsuqli, harabli.

PC Sheehan: Sparajt fuqu. Harabli.

Control Room: X’inhu?

PC Sheehan: Harabli. Sparajt fuqu.

Control Room: Sparajt fuqu. Fuq min sparajt?

PC Sheehan: Ehe Puluzija jien. Ghax stajt ma bghatthomlix. Prosit.

Control Room: Ma bghatthomlix, qed nghidlek ... il-karozza?

PC Sheehan: Qed nigri warajh direzzjoni lejn Regional Road. Ibghatli ghax ha nibqa ntih it-tiri sakemm tigu.

Control Room: Ghidli x’inhi l-karozza. M’intix tghidli x’inhi.

PC Sheehan: Opel Vauxhall.

Control Room: X’kulur?

PC Sheehan: Silver. Qed nigri warajh. Lejn Regional Road.

Control Room: Lejn Regional Road, direzzjoni l-fejn? Lejn Santa Venera?

PC Sheehan: Ghadni tiela l-fuq. Ghadni ha nohrog ghal Regional Road.

Control Room: Lejn Santa Venera, jigifieri?

PC Sheehan: FEIO.

Control Room: Sorry?

PC Sheehan: Ghax pjanci ta barra. FEIO.

Control Room: FEIO?

PC Sheehan: Iva. Ija. Direzzjoni lejn il-mini ta Santa Venera.

Control Room: Lejn il-mini ta Santa Venera. Hekk orrajt. Ha nibghathom issa. Tal-ghassa ha nibghathom hemmhekk. 

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