Hearing the leader of the Opposition meticulously delivering his criticism of the Budget speech, I could not help giving him a silent round of applause.

He spoke at length on how important it is for politicians to be honest, credible, serious and, above all, transparent in all things they do.

He stressed the importance of political morality and telling the truth... because, in the end, eventually, truth will prevail.

However, listening to the Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, the following day, when he was replying to Simon Busuttil’s criticism, my initial judgement on the impeccable speech by the leader of the Opposition faded away almost immediately.

My full marks to him ebbed away as soon as I heard Muscat stating that Busuttil was using a car bought by the government of Malta plus free fuel.

Good luck to him but why criticise the Prime Minister for the €7,000 allowance he is getting for using his personal car?

Busuttil insisted in his speech that politicians must be honest but is this honesty?

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