With over 100 foreign currencies available, get more when buying your travel money from Fexserv. Here’s why:

Competitive exchange rates

• Fexserv exchange rates are competitive and are normally better than those of high street banks. View our exchange rates at www.fexserv.com or by calling 2576 2576.

FREE buy back guarantee

• Fexserv allows you to exchange any unused currency notes at the original exchange rate within 31 days from date of purchase. Original receipt and identification must be presented. Fexserv reserves the right not to buy back spoilt or unfit notes.

FREE airmiles

• Earn 1 KMile for every €5 you exchange with Fexserv on Airmalta’s frequent flyer programme ‘Flypass’. KMiles are awarded on transactions above €250 on the net value of the buy back transaction. KMiles are processed after the 31 day buy back period has expired. KMiles are applied on transactions using Fexserv’s published rates of exchange.

No Commission

• Fexserv does not charge any commission when converting your euro to foreign currency, thus giving you more money to spend.

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