For optimal learning, students need to be challenged at just the right level. Excessive challenges may cause anxiety while insufficient challenges may cause boredom.

Whether at home or at school, the Lego Education packages provide versatile and modular systems which allows for various levels of challenges, resulting in guaranteed achievements at all levels of intellectuality and skills. Thus, no one is left out.

Lego Education resources cover various subjects, including science, technology, engineering, mathematics, language and literacy, art, design and entrepreneurship. These disciplines are combined together to attract interest in learning and serve as a tool to foster education across the curriculum. Almost all sets include example activities, teaching guidelines for parents/teachers, ready-made worksheets and other resources to get anyone started.

Moreover, Lego Education packages provide an appealing introduction to creative tools that have been proven to promote problem-solving skills, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. These unique educational solutions are based on Lego Education’s 36 years’ experience and close collaboration with educators from around the world.

The special Lego Education packages are powerful tools in both classrooms and at home: young or older students can choose the way they want to learn and at their own pace while tutors and parents can rely on tools which enhance students’ interest, understanding and knowledge in the various subjects.

Another popular Lego Education offering is the Lego Education Mindstorms NXT or EV3 Robotics sets, which are the most robust, versatile and supported educational robotics assembly kits. LEGO Education Mindstorms kits are open source and support multiple graphic or script-based programming languages such as LabView, MatLAB, Java, C, EV3-G, NXT-G, Microsoft Robotics Studio and more.

For more information visit If you are interested in showcasing your own robotic creations or learn more about robotics, visit .

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