The Aditus Foundation had written to the prime minister to protest about vulgar and offensive statements which it said were made against it and its director by (former minister) Joe Grima, who, it said, enjoyed the support and endorsement of the Office of the Prime Minister.

In a Facebook comment which has since been deleted, Mr Grima wrote

(M)in ghandu dawn il-veduti estremi mhu xejn hlief stupratur indecenti tal kultura u t-tradizzjonijiet taghna. Postu hi fid detention centre...”

Aditus yesterday published a report on the integration of migrants.

It said it was constantly facing attacks, threats and criticism, but it could not ignore the sheer vulgarity of Mr. Grima’s statements due to his public position.

"We are appalled that an individual enjoying high-level Government support, as your special envoy to the World Tourism Organisation, is apparently ignorant or disrespectful of the serious responsibilities attached to such support, particularly with regard to the treatment of civil society organisations and their staff members," Aditus said.

See letter below.

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