Super Minister #2, aka Dr Konrad Mizzi (#1 is, of course, Dr Manwel Mallia, Silvio Scerri's minister) whose youthful exuberance is in danger of morphing into unspeakable arrogance by the second, has let it be known that everyone but the PN is happy with the progress in the energy sector.

I'm not entirely sure he didn't say "and health" after "energy".   I suspect he must have.

Taking his cue from his boss, Mizzi evidently thinks that our version of democracy involves dismissing the representatives of not much less than half the country out of hand.  The motto emblazoned on the Mizzi escutheon is "The PN? Who? Why?", because to him they are as nothing and their opinions count for less, "because I am in government and there's an end to it".

To be fair, what's not to like in the energy sector?  Petrol prices have gone down, 2c in the litre from where they had gone up to under Mizzi's watch.  Electricity bills, we have been told, are down, though not that anyone's noticed yet (do you understand your bill, let's face it?) and the new power station is already up and running. 


Let's look at some other things everyone except the PN really, really loves, shall we?  This is not an exhaustive list, I'm sure you have your own favourites.

How about mysterious protectees living in Xemxija, so vulnerable that armed guards are needed and so vital to "national security" that their names may not be spoken?  Just love that, makes the country such a great, safe,  place.

And what about the garage sale of our nationality, by means of a contract that is so vital to the national interest that it can't be published?  Gotta love that too, and you have to wonder if the guy from Xemxija wasn't here to try one out for size, don't you?

Isn't it great, such that you must swoon all over the nearest bird-killer, and all over the lovable Cabinet members Galdes and Falzon, how everything is being done to make blasting birds out of the sky easy and trapping the ones that survive easier?

Don't you just adore the plans for the country-side that Chetcuti and his Bob the Builder buddies have, now that MEPA has been emasculated "so that the monster of beauraucracy will be slain"?   What with the hunters and the developers, a stroll in the country will soon be no stroll in the park.

Isn't Super Minister #1 The Honourable Dr Manwel Mallia, just someone you can't resist slavering over, especially when he stands proud to take the salute from the massed ranks of the Catering Corps?  The one's who aren't busy prosecuting people like Norman Vella because apparently Kurt Farrugia took it into his head that he'd been caught on camera, heinous crime on a par with wife-beating that this is.

Don't you really, really love the public transport system, now that the reason to be really down on it (i.e. the PN in Government) no longer exists?  It seems we might be having to love the buses to the tune of some €45,000,000 of your and my hard-earned cash soon.  Gotta love that, too.

What else do you have to love, just have to, because otherwise Konrad Mizzi will lump you in with the PN, the untermensch, those whining, negative curs whose existence is only tolerated because we have to keep up this pretence of democracy, pesky notion that it is?

Public broadcasting?  Love it, just love it.  Meritocracy?  Great, great stuff, adore it.  The economy booming, our foreign affairs being conducted with grace and dignity, medicines in stock and delivered to our doors by smiling functionaries? Lovely grub, can we have some more?


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