There has been yet another mysterious fire incident at Fort Cambridge. This, along with what looks like the wilful neglect of the building, by leaving the countless doors and windows of the rooms open to the elements – despite, I hasten to add, telephoned warnings to the holding company/leaseholder – does not bode well for one of the few remaining historical buildings that is left in Sliema.

A more suspicious mind might even be inclined to think that there could be some motive for all this destruction.

Another unsightly large block instead of the fort comes to mind if, by ‘accident’, the fort should be in time beyond repair. That would certainly be a pity.

Some 10 years ago, we were promised that the fort would be returned to its former state along with a garden in front and to the side for the enjoyment of the people of Sliema and also of visitors. This has yet to materialise and is as far away from reality as it has ever been.

The place right now has become a rubbish dump, its only residents umpteen stray cats and dogs and the odd caretaker (!)

It is hoped that those who have been entrusted with the fort’s renovation and upkeep will keep their promise now that the building of the monstrous blocks next to it are finished. It is after all part of the bargain struck with the previous government. Contracts need to be honoured and adhered to.

One hopes that the minister concerned and Mepa take action as necessary to ensure that no further damage is done whether it’s by weather or by fire.

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