I will not blame those who consider this title as almost blasphemous. How could I put those two personalities side by side in the same title? But bear with me and read my explanation.

This morning I woke up to the news of Mandela’s death. One can say that at 95 years of age death should come as a surprise. But even at 95 years of age, death is neither wished for nor is it welcome. The hero of the planet, as someone described him left all men and women of goodwill orphans.

Mandela’s greatness blooms from the values which fashioned him and which he treasured. Can you image anyone spending 27 years in prison on a totally unjust accusation without revenging himself on the villains who made him suffer so much?

Herein lies the greatness of Mandela.

When he and his colleagues were released from prison he told them that they were justified to feel bitter and yearn for revenge. But he counselled them to do neither one nor the other. He definitively did neither of them. The Truth and Reconciliation Commissions he set up worked for reconciliation, albeit a reconciliation based on truth. He publicly stated that as he worked against a South Africa dominated by whites he would work against a South Africa dominated by blacks. His dream for a South Africa “taghna lkoll” was a life programme not an election gimmick.

The 27 years he spent in prison were, ironically, the seminary which formed his mettle. He became a leader of steel with a warm human heart. This morning on the BBC World Service I heard fellow prisoners speak of his caring and serving attitude towards them. Such is a great leader: one who serves.

Mandela fought tyranny armed by the values of truth and justice. He suffered, but his was a redemptive suffering which led to the victory of his people. This is a victory which even his enemies could share in.

How does Yanukovych fit into all this?

Before I heard the news of Mandela’s death I was writing about Victor Yanukovych, the Ukranian dictator who, unfortunately, will be visiting Malta next Monday. Quite naturally I decided to scrap the piece about Yanukovych to write about Mandela. Then I thought that it would not be amiss, at least, to point out the total contrast between the two leaders.

Mandela served others, Yanukovych is a self-serving politician. Mandela fought for the survival of others, Yanukovych just cares about his own survival. Mandela fought tyranny, Yanukovych is a tyrant. Mandela helped his people to achieve their dream. Yanukovych wants to steal the people’s dream.

Yanukovych will eventually be allotted a place on the rubbish heap of history.

Mandela’s life story is an example of ‘is-sewwa jirbah sgur.’ He will live on in people’s hearts. He will continue to be a guiding light for humanity.

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