For those not entirely up to speed on semi-archaic baby talk, the title is the phrase that is cooed to little babies who are bawling their eyes out because their little feelings have been hurt.

It is the phrase that springs to mind when I glance through pieces penned by critics of, to use their own mind-set, GonziPN.

For instance, it rose like a cloud of gas belched by a volcano when I read Mr Martin Scicluna's lament at how things are being run in the Army. This former officer and gentleman had appeared to be keen to get us to vote Labour and now he's evidently feeling very disappointed at what the object of his political affections is getting up to.

This very morning, on casting my eyes over a piece by Mr Tony Zammit Cutajar, I found myself wanting to tickle him under the chin and go "there, there, don't be so sad, poor diddums" because he too is feeling very hard done by after six months of Joseph Muscat as PM.

Frankly, a wry smile - actually, no, a pretty vicious one - finds itself on my lips when I see people like these lamenting the country's fate. It's not as if the writing wasn't on the wall for those who wanted to see it.

Anyone, that is, who hadn't blinded himself by his infatuation with Joseph Muscat, demonstrating that indeed "Love Is Blind Absolutely" fits him, anyone who hadn't buried his head in the sands of his own obsession that we needed a change, at all costs, and anyone who wasn't so far up his own fundament that all you could see were the soles of his feet.

The really amusing, in a black "better laugh than cry" way, thing is that these people still labour under the impression that Joseph Muscat will now give a tinker's cuss about them and their opinion. He's in Government with a thumping majority at the polls and many seats in the House and he can do what he likes, so there, yah boo, sucks to you and why don't you look at what the others used to do?

So do please stop deluding yourselves, you who lionised Muscat as a force for change, he's not going to worry his little head about the take-over of the Army and the Catering Corps and the Police and he's not going to censure any Minister whose wife has also shoved her trotters into the trough or who gives a new meaning to scheduled public transport. The fact that a Minister thinks it's fine to tell us that the Commander of the AFM was loyal to him, personally, and is going to be made Security & Defence Supremo, worries the PM not at all, for all that it should.

And he's certainly not going to take any notice of your whining now: you've served your purpose.

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