Labour want us to believe that a Leader who had already made it clear that he will give effect to one of his promises regardless of what the Courts say (that VAT refund promise) was willing to dump his Deputy Leader in the run-up to a General Election because the latter did not show respect to the Courts.   Labour and respect for the Courts is not the most immediate association that springs to mind, anyway.

Labour want us to believe that the fact that Dr Anglu Farrugia put up a pretty miserable show in the Deputy Leaders' debate on Xarabank last Saturday had absolutely nothing to do with the fact their Leader was willing to dump his Deputy Leader in the run-up to a General Election.

Labour want us to believe that sending that Debono person to Xarabank on Friday instead of Anglu Farrugia had nothing to do with keeping Farrugia away from the debate and everything to do with altruistically giving space to Debono.

What a farce.  

The Lil'Elves and Peculiar Pundits spent most of the week since Friday going "yah boo sucks to you" at Simon Busuttil for not demeaning himself by allowing himself to be party to Labour's pathetic and manipulative Debono stunt. They had to combine this with trying to paper over Farrugia's abysmal performance when he actually turned up for the debate, which was a Herculean task.

Now they have to pull a neck-wrenching U-turn and work flat out to convince Labour's surely bewildered supporters that Farrugia deserved to be dumped.  The poor lambs were already confused enough by seeing him temporarily replaced by Debono, this is all they need now.  Many of them probably think that Debono is going to be made Deputy Leader, such is the cynicism with which Labour Central operates.

'tis the Season to be jolly, tra la la la la, tra la la la.

Well, it is if you are Jason Micallef, for whom the road to Parliament has blossomed magically open.   For Anglu Farrugia, on t'other hand, the door has been slammed shut in his face. 

Labour Central has decreed it and thus it shall come to pass.

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