I would like to thank MPs from both sides of the House for voting convincingly in favour of the Embryo Protection Bill, which regulated IVF while protecting the safety of human embryos from their conception.

However, due to the comments of certain well-known figures, I feel obliged to write this letter.

Michael Farrugia (PL) and Jean Pierre Farrugia (PN) both support embryo freezing regularly in IVF. Labour leader Joseph Muscat has been reported as saying that embryo freezing has been properly included in this legislation and no one complained or equated it with abortion. In truth the legislation only actually deemed freezing acceptable under extenuating circumstances like death or severe illness of the mother, in order to save the embryo’s life.

So yes, it is not equal to abortion and no one said so – but in different circumstances to those legislated, it could be. No one would suggest that murder is similar to an operation. An operation is carried out only to save (or aide) a patient’s life. However, an operation carried out on the wishes of relatives and not the patient’s safety is abhorrent and close to murder. The same can be said about freezing embryos (with 30 per cent loss) for the benefit of their parents – similar to an abortion for the benefit of the parents.

I think Muscat, Daphne Caruana Galizia and other liberals need to remember what country they are trying to lead or influence. Caruana Galizia criticised Tonio Borg’s support for the protection of life from conception, as opposed to disagreeing with it personally. Alternattiva Demokratika shamefully opposed Borg’s nomination as a European Commissioner and criticised Labour for not officially pushing embryo freezing in all situations. I have often voted for Alternattiva – and even considered being a candidate for them – I am not inclined to do so at present. Our country does not want European liberalism shoved down our throats.

Let us remember the country we live in, which I and many others are proud to call our own. We treat all kids here as best we can. We sustain homes like Dar Tal-Providenza to love and care for sick people throughout life. We treat and love kids with Down’s syndrome, Thalassaemia and Cystic Fibrosis, not abort them as in other European countries. We raise money for research into treating these diseases. We do not select which embryos we want and throw kids like these away as second best.

The European expert advising the MPs pushing for indiscriminate embryo freezing specialised in this. Selecting whom is okay and whom is not (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis); an expert at eugenics or playing God.

Maltese are Europeans too, but have no wish to be like other Europeans in all respects. We have our own very unique social fabric and social model. The same female sex which clamours for abortion rights abroad is the same who fights against abortion locally. They are the same women who love their kids, independent of anything.

Our principles (since St Paul’s shipwreck) are Christian (Democrat) and Socialist too – supporting the underdog. This has always been Malta’s choice – supporting the Palestinians, the Kuwaitis during the Iraqi invasion, the wounded in World War ll, Turkey’s EU application and the rights of children being adopted or IVF-created. We have sometimes lost sight of things such as not supporting minorities like LGBT citizens or African refugees. Luckily things are changing.

Sadly the Church is not always a strong leader in these cases (as Jesus would surely be). Its great influence carries great responsibility.

So Muscat and Alternattiva – remember that you are meant to be representing us – this very special small island nation. Please keep our principles dear. That is what we all voted for in 2004, unity in diversity.

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