I've often wondered why Labour expects you and I to vote for them - well, to be accurate, I hardly think they expect me to vote for them, in truth, but you get what I mean. After all, they haven't given us any policies to write home about, their alternatives to what the current bunch are doing seem to consist in proposing that we vote for them so they can carry on doing it, and all in all, they seem to be banking on the ladies who lunch and their husbands having got moderately fed up of the Nationalists, so they'll vote (or not vote) for a change just for the heck of it.

Sometimes it's by their words that you see them betray themselves, though.

One of their bright young things, Owen Bonnici by name, put the following up on his Facebook page some days ago. It gives an insight into what Labour's undepinning thesis seems to be.

He wrote:

"Nattendu bi ħġarna għall-Kungress Nazzjonali!

Din l-elezzjoni ser tkun l-aħħar cans għall-PL u l-aħħar Tama għal pajjizna biex ma nispiccawx One Party State!!

Agħmlu like u Share jekk ser tattendu bi ħġarkom!!"

So there you have it: vote Labour because it's their last chance (to govern, presumably) It's a bit like being in a playground and hearing one toddler scream at another, give me the ball, give me the ball, it's my turn, it's my turn - no reason other than that, just that it's his turn and that's all there is to it and he's going to whine and whine and whine until he gets the ball.

That is a reason to vote Labour? That if we don't, it will be the end of them, their turn to be at the helm gone for ever? Surely not, surely they should be voted in because they are a viable alternative, because they have something to offer the country and not because their ambitions should be satisfied, because it's their turn to play at being boss?

And no, I didn't miss Bonnici's other reason to vote Labour, the one that says it's the last chance for the country not to end up as a "One Party State!!", double exclamation marks and all.

It's just that I thought it would be charitable of me to ignore it.

That's the bottom line, folks, we have to vote Labour, simply because it's their turn.

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