The Nationalist Party this afternoon categorically denied that it ever received funds for its EU membership, or for any other electoral campaign, from the Gaddafi regime as alleged by former labour leader Alfred Sant.

The PN pointed out that in an opinion piece in It-Torca yesterday, Dr Sant said:  “jidher li fondi Libjani ġew investiti fil-kampanja enormi li saret f’Malta biex din tidħol membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea” and “Fazzjonijiet importanti fit-tmexxija tal-Libja fi żmien il-Kurunell Muammar Gaddafi appoġġjaw finanzjarjament il-kampanja tal-Partit Nazzjonalista biex Malta tissieħeb fl-Unjoni Ewropea ”.

Seven years after his ‘Partnership’ was rejected, and the electorate voted, overwhelmingly, for EU membership, Alfred Sant was still bitter and came up with fictitious allegations which were complete hogwash, the PN said.

It challenged Dr  Sant to substantiate his allegations with raw facts.

"He should also explain what financial assistance his party received from the Gaddafi regime. Should Dr. Sant fail to do so, then the least Labour can do, is to disociate itself from Sant’s allegations," the PN said.

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