The anti-divorce movement - Żwieġ Bla Divorzju - said today that the Divorce Movement had censored one of its own TV spots because it showed it up as being against commitment in marriage.

The spot has also been removed from the Divorce Movement's web page.

The censored piece said: "spouses decide after 20 years that they are not good for each other. Why shouldn't they be able to get  out of their commitment."

Dr Arthur Galea Salomone, spokesman for the anti-divorce movement, said this episode showed how the Divorce Movement wanted divorce without reason and marriage that expired. The country and Maltese families would he headed for ruin if marriage commitment was thrown overboard.

The Divorce Movement, he said, was hiding the fact that the proposed divorce law provided that whoever of the spouses wanted to walk out of the marriage could impose divorce on the other spouse even if he or she did not want it.  This, Dr Galea Salomone said, would be a grave injustice. 

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