Updated 5.15 p.m. and 9 p.m.

A claim by a pastor of the Evangelical Church in Malta that the Lord had 'converted' three men out of their homosexuality has angered the local gay community and many others.

Gordon John Manche earlier today posted an event on facebook called  "Gay no more- Made new by the power of Christ" to encourage young people to attend a "spiritual gathering" where three formerly gay youths would speak about their conversion out of homosexuality.

Hundreds of comments appeared on the site protesting against Manche's ideas. The post was later removed.

A large number of those who posted comments said they would protest tomorrow outside the Saphire Suite in Zebbug where Mr Manche said he would hold the event.

The protest organisers complained that Mr Manche' had said that homosexuality was a perversion and a sin. They insisted that his comments were hurtful and constituted hate.

The protest was called off in the evening, with the organisers saying on facebook that the police had warned them that they had not been granted permits and anybody showing up for the protest would be booked.


The National Youth Council in a statement said it condemns the event organized by Gordon-John Manche,which indicated  that members of the LGBTQ community could somehow be 'healed' from their sexual orientation.

"KNZ recognizes the challenges members of the LGBTQ community face on a daily basis, and believes
that implying that they can or should change their sexual orientation to lead a moral life contributes to the spread of homophobia and an 'us and them' mentality."

The council said that tolerance was one of the fundamental pillars of democracy and it urged the authorities, whether governmental, ecclesiastical or otherwise; to further promote respect for minority rights.

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