Maltese author Frans Sammut has passed away, aged 66.

Mr Sammut, who served as a headmaster and was cultural consultant to former Prime Minister Alfred Sant, gained recognition in the late 1960s when he co-founded the Moviment Qawmien Letterarju. Later he served as secretary of the Akkademja tal-Malti – the Maltese Language Academy.

His works include the best-selling novels Il-Gagga, Samuraj, and Il-Holma Maltija. His work Paceville had won him the won the government's literary medal.

Mr Sammut also published non-fiction works including Ir-Rivoluzzjoni Franciza: il-Grajja u t-Tifsira, Bonaparti f'Malta (also translated in French), and On the Da Vinci Code.

He also edited Mikiel Anton Vassalli's Lexicon.

In 2006, his translation of Vassalli's Motti, Aforismi e Proverbii Maltesi (1828) was published as Ghajdun il-Ghaqal, Kliem il-Gherf u Qwiel Maltin.

Mr Sammut, a regular commenter on, died in hospital.

The PL paid tribute to his memory, describing Mr Sammut as an author who was revolutionary and had always sought social justice.

It also praised him as a scholar of the Maltese language.

The PN also expressed its condolences and praised Mr Sammut for his literary works and his research into the Maltese language.

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