As I didn’t qualify for a full pension from my full-time job, I had to supplement my income from a part-time job in tourism (seasonal income).

From such employment, I am taxed 15 per cent at source on every cent I earn.

I am also taxed on my pension and again on my bank savings. The latter renders one per cent interest and I am taxed 15 per cent on this.

The authorities are aware that senior citizens cannot stay in the queue for years to get access to free services and free operations at Mater Dei Hospital.

Hence, we have to foot the bill and pay for such services at private hospitals. This comes at a hefy fee plus VAT.

Note that nothing is refundable and no tax rebate is given to the patient concerned. When one is contributing to the economy and to such an exorbitant taxation, such facts defy the purpose. Is it too much to ask for a tax-free part-time job for people in this category?

Social justice demands this!

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