When people ignore God’s commandments, causing so much pain and brokenness, the Church asks God’s mercy for her own sins and offers His forgiveness to all who seek it. Then she proceeds to fulfil the mission she has received: to heal the wounds and lovingly pick up the pieces.

When people ignore God’s commandment not to kill, she buries the dead and gathers the widows and the orphans.

When people ignore God’s commandment to love their neighbour, the Church sets up charities to give food and money and shelter to the poor. When people ignore God’s commandment to love the truth, she opens schools so children may discover and love what is true and good.

When people ignore God’s commandment to cherish the sick and vulnerable, the unborn and the dying, she runs hospitals, homes for the elderly and lovingly welcomes those with disabilities.

When people ignore God’s commandment to love one’s family, the Church picks up the pieces. She cares for neglected children, broken youths, battered women and victims of violence.

When people ignore God’s commandment not to separate that which he himself has united, the Church will continue to pick up the pieces. She will continue to take care of broken families and broken men, women and children.

When people stop believing that lifelong marriage is still possible, the Church will continue believing in faithfulness because God is love and love is stronger than pain.

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