Card-controlled gates at all vehicle access points in Majjistral Park is one of the changes being proposed to the management plan for the Mellieħa site.

In a launch of a public consultation exercise, the board members yesterday discussed how they propose to regulate vehicle entrance by producing free pass cards and permits for anyone who wishes to enter the park with a vehicle.

This move was motivated after numerous places on the site were trampled by off-roaders. This is not the only form of vandalism sustained by the site and these acts have prompted heightened monitoring through the introduction of wardens.

Majjistral Nature and History Park, located in the northwest, stretches from Golden Bay to Anchor Bay. The area came under legal protection in 2007 and the government gave its management over to Heritage Parks Federation composed of three NGOs, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Gaia Foundation and Nature Trust.

The park, which opened its doors two years ago, works on habitat rehabilitation, dissemination of environment information, upkeep of local beaches, site monitoring, education and research on the site. Many activities have been carried out in the park, including guided walks, clean-ups and kayaking along the coastal areas.

This is the second phase of consultations and comes after the management plan was submitted and accepted by the Malta Environment Planning Authority.

The plan and proposals can be viewed online on and feedback will be received by the board until September 15.

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