
The San Bartholomeo Fireworks Factory of Gharghur blew up this afternoon, but no one was injured.

People were kept well away from the scene for several hours amid fears that a fire would spread to the main fireworks store, causing another major explosion,

The blast took place at about 3.15 p.m. and was heard as far away as Marsascala, Birzebbuga and Zejtun.

There were three smaller subsequent explosions. Residents of Birkirkara, Naxxar and San Pawl tat-Targa said the explosion had been 'massive'.

Rescuers from the police and the Civil Protection Department rushed to the scene. Two men, a 47-year-old and a 44-year-old, both from Gharghur, had been in the factory managed to escape unharmed.

This was the second fireworks factory explosion this year after the St Sebastian Fireworks Factory of Qormi blew up in February. Two men had died.

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