While I agree with the concept of a Vehicle Roadworthiness Test (VRT), it seems the system in operation is becoming inefficient.

I was requested to call at the Vehicle Inspectorate Unit for my car to be inspected for emission when it is just two years old and it is still covered by a warranty. After waiting about an hour my car was tested and it showed 0.00 on the emission test.

But then again the person carrying out the test pressed the accelerator of my car because on the slip it showed a negative result. What I suggest is that the Transport Authority (ADT) should start with vehicles over 20 years old and then test those over 15 years old and so on, and vehicles which are under four years and still under warranty should not be called for such tests.

While I was at the VRT station, I saw a truck which was emitting fumes from the exhaust pipe, yet a policeman who was there told me that the truck had just passed the test.

This test should be taken more seriously.

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