The Nationalist Party said today that a development permit had been issued to Opposition leader Joseph Muscat at the time of the Labour government before the expiry of the period allowed for comments and objections by the public.

The PN was reacting to a letter by Dr Muscat's lawyer, published earlier today on ( see ).

The PN said that while Dr Muscat was saying that his position on Mepa was the position of the citizen, he had, through his lawyer, defended the permit granted to him. The granting of that permit had violated procedures aimed at giving the people the right to object or comment on proposed developments.

Dr Muscat's application had been "to demolish existing building and construction of a store at basement level, ground floor terraced house and swimming pool. First floor maisonette and overlying washrooms."

The PN said that Dr Muscat was already active in the PL at the time. And although the permit was not issued according to procedures, he never felt the need to refuse it or to request an investigation.

While Dr Muscat had been quoted by the PL as saying that decisions should be open to scrutiny, in his case, anybody wishing to object had found the door closed as the permit had already been issued, the PN said.

This showed that Dr Muscat was not being consistent.

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