In a sermon at the cathedral, Archbishop Paul Cremona declared that "a democratic society would be missing out if only one belief or ideology were heard". He is absolutely right! A democratic society would be missing out if only Catholic belief or ideology were heard - as is the actual case in Malta!

The pressure on Malta's MPs to conform to "one belief or ideology" is very much evident when they gather at the cathedral on Malta's supposedly secular state holidays to be lectured every year by Malta's bishops on Catholic belief and ideology. The bishops' subtle pressure on Malta's MPs makes sure that there is no separation of Church and state in Malta. To make it worse, there is no separation of Church and press either! Sermons by Malta's bishops, supposedly addressed to a congregation but actually serving to put pressure on Malta's MPs, are given prominent coverage in The Times - as if The Times were a Church newspaper. Malta's power-hungry bishops have got it made! With Nationalist MPs and The Times on their side, the bishops can rest assured that Malta will remain a Catholic theocracy for some time to come - until a Maltese "Zapatero" comes along!

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