An insurance agency yesterday filed a judicial protest against its former manager accusing him of acting illegally and causing it to suffer damages.

Jovin Rausi in his personal capacity and on behalf of Rausi Insurance Agency Limited filed the protest in the First Hall of the Civil Court against Malcolm Ellul and against Mediterranean Insurance Brokers Ltd for whatever interest the company might have in the matter.

Mr Rausi told the court that Mr Ellul used to work with Rausi Insurance Agency as a manager in the company's maritime sector. Recently, Mr Ellul had left his employment and had started working with Mediterranean Insurance Brokers Limited.

However, Mr Ellul was communicating with Rausi Insurance Agency's clients and telling them that he had left his place of work with the company and that Rausi Insurance Agency was no longer operating.

According to Mr Rausi, Mr Ellul was inviting these clients to renew their insurance policies through Mediterranean Insurance Brokers.

Mr Rausi denied that Rausi Insurance Agency was no longer operating, and he added that Mr Ellul was well aware of this fact.

However, Mr Rausi added that it was obvious that Mr Ellul had stolen Rausi Insurance Agency's database together with confidential information about its clients.

Such an action was illegal and was detrimental both to Rausi Insurance Agency and to its clients, for Mr Ellul was violating the Data Protection Act. Mr Rausi claimed that Mr Ellul was guilty of fraud and of unlawful competition. He called upon Mediterranean Insurance Brokers to stop Mr Ellul, adding that the latter was writing to clients on Mediterranean Insurance Brokers Ltd's letterheads. This gave one to understand that this company was aware of what was going on.

Mr Rausi called upon Mr Ellul to immediately halt his actions. Both Mr Ellul and Mediterranean Insurance Brokers Ltd were held liable in damages.

Lawyer Joseph A. Schembri signed the protest.

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