Well done to the TVM journalist and his cameraman who showed how well the animals at the Bellucci Circus are being kept on December 28. The journalists, accompanied by one of the Bellucci circus's administrators, toured the tiny cages, filming the "happy", "wild" animals being fed straw or raw meat.  

The Bellucci representative claimed the circus possessed the ISO 9001 certificate, a certificate that - according to him - was proof that the animals were well treated.  

Who are these people trying to fool? The people who pay to watch these animals' 'extraordinary' acts? The journalists? Or the animals whom they keep in their cages for at least 23 hours every day?

The ones who are not being fooled are people like me who have the animals' lives at heart. Unfortunately, a significant number of Maltese were (and still are being) fooled, because they visit this particular circus, which exploits the lives of magnificent animals for money.

How are these animals being trained to do such things which go against their nature and instincts? How can you make a tiger or a lion jump through a ring of fire when its instinct would urge it to run away? Trainers, or imposers, use whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods and other tools on these wonderful animals until they are forced to jump through the fire.  

Other circuses who take advantage of elephants use ankuses - wooden sticks with sharp, pointed hooks at the end - to force them do things humans want them to do.  

Was the journalist aware of these acts of brutality at the time of the interview? If he is now, would he report these atrocities to viewers? Or does some animal welfare organisation have to pay for such educational information to be conveyed to the public?  

Is it possible to know if the safari around the cages in Floriana was free of charge or paid for by the nicely groomed Bellucci representative?  The same question should be made to the producers and the presenters of Bongu Net of December 28.

People should be more informed about what really goes on behind the scenes in circuses which use force, take advantage of and exploit animals and learn what the ISO 9001 certificate is really all about.  Visit http://www.animalrightsmalta.com/circusfacts.html for more information. Do not visit circuses with performing animals, and share the Webpage and spread the message.

Well done to the directors of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, who refused the cash donation from the Bellucci circus on the grounds that they do not except money from activities and events that involve animals held in captivity. Other groups should emulate them.

Catholic Catechism: "Animals are God's creatures. He surrounds them with his providential care. By their mere existence they bless him and give him glory. Thus men owe them kindness. We should recall the gentleness with which saints like St Francis of Assisi or St Philip Neri treated animals... It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly."  

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