The Christian politician is one who is committed to her/his people via the living of the following threefold mentality-spirituality.

Sharing. S/he is to share the same life of those with whom s/he lives. Thus, being present in every sphere of life be it that of work, science, school, immigration or drug addiction, the politician is being everything to everybody. It is accepting the laity of the challenges.

Renewal. The Christian politician is a person who transforms and renews. As the Eucharist transforms the world since a piece of the world, history and matter is freed and becomes transubtantiated, also the Christian politician when s/he lives in a Christian manner the political service, spreads the Easter transformation of the temporal reality that Christ already operates in the eucharistic mystery. S/he transubstantiates history and culture through her/his attempt of renewing history from within itself. This occurs by a kind of politics that is animated by the Gospel and the Church's social teaching.

Communion. The Christian politician makes people one heart and soul in charity so that everybody could grow together. S/he is the one who brings fraternal love and communion in society. S/he is the concrete example of solidarity and love specifically with the poor and the oppressed. The only sublime way of demonstrating the revolutionary power of the gospel is precisely by being brothers and sisters to the poor. This is so because God himself has chosen their face. Strengthened by the Christian faith, the politician is to make sure that the problems of the poor become a top priority in a government political programme aimed at developing society. The Christian politician has to be a witness of love since the harshest battles for a just and human world have always been won by fraternal love; that love which always seeks to dialogue with others.

Like the eucharistic Christ, the politician is called to synthesise in himself/herself the gospel with human problems of family, profession and work, i.e. politics. The committed Christian politican is the person of synthesis who inculturates the faith. S/he has to set an example for others of what it means to be just, a woman/man of peace and solidarity and a sister/brother to all. In short, this means being and doing politics with a capital P, being a light for others to follow.

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