The debate over The Da Vinci Code in Malta should perhaps be recast from the banal "Is it true or not?" question to the following questions: 

"Is it not the right of sceptic liberals to incredulously want to watch a film/read a book that is credibly incredulous?", and 

"Is it not the right of the religiously credible to want to resist the public airing of a film/book that the credibly incredulous insist is their credulous right to be incredibly persuaded by its credible incredulity?"

I will be sticking to the next set of Gospels that will soon be encoded in the next blockbuster. In the meantime, I encourage the Church authorities to show the film in churches throughout the land, bring the credible public in to make some money to pay for the upkeep of their buildings (for the public is always credible, and none more so than among the self-proclaimed incredulous), and undoubtedly raise the ire of our  liberal columnists who will undoubtedly hypocritically berate them for their liberal hypocrisy. 

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