Dr David Borg (The Sunday Times, November 28) states that the Church tolerates homosexuals but not the homosexual act. However such a distinction confuses the mind of whoever seeks to understand it.

I, for one, find it difficult to comprehend how a person can be a homosexual without indulging in his peculiarity. If ever such a person existed, he would only be a spurious homosexual and not a real one at all, just like the tenor who never sings.

Yes, indeed, Professor Buttiglione was correct in what he stated because the Church disapproves of homosexuals, of homosexuality, of the homosexual act and of whatever can be listed with them.

Homosexuality is a sin because it entails the waste of the human reproductive "seed". For the same reason, Church marriages are always intended for the procreation of the human species and not merely for the pleasure of the sexual act. Even in what he stated about family affairs, Professor Buttiglione was right again.

There are many different types of sexual perverts. There is the paedophile, the serial killer and others. Whether or not it is their fault for being what they are is a matter for the psychologists to decide. However their truth is that all of them are very horrid and anti-social people.

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