Recently Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami went to Africa to attend the Commonwealth summit.

While there, he asked to speak to their best economist. They told him he lived on the plain where the tall elephant grass grew. He went there and spotted a tribe deep in the grass and he started shouting: "Who are you?" The reply came: "We are the hellaway".

When he got near he noticed they were pigmies and every few metres they would jump in the air to see over the elephant grass and they would shout: "Where the hell are we?"

Dr Fenech Adami immediately has an idea. He makes two stilts out of the elephant grass and gives them to the pigmy. "This is foreign investment and it makes you grow". The pigmy asks: "Is it sustainable?" The prime minister says: "You are standing on it, therefore it's sustainable". The pygmy replies: "Teach me how to make them then once the investment is sustainable".

With that, Dr Fenech Adami learned that true investment lies in learning.

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