I have received an article from Daniela Borg Mizzi, PR and marketing manager, Malta Transport Authority, on this very important consumer education subject. Due to limited space I will feature it in two parts:

The Malta Transport Authority is currently assessing the environmental situation and is drawing up additional measures which are expected to bring about a marked change in vehicular flows and operating conditions in a bid to reduce emissions.

For a given flow of vehicles, air pollution increases with congestion and conversely reductions in congestion leads to lower levels of vehicular pollution. There are various traffic management measures that may change vehicular flows and operating conditions in such a way that emissions are decreased, thus enhancing the air quality in the urban environment.

Traffic management schemes, which are currently being drawn up, will primarily ensure that the environmental capacity in any location is not exceeded. Obviously, such measures will be implemented in harmony with other urban planning policies.

The Authority is looking into the promotion of adequate means of transport; an alternative to private car use, such as the use of public transport. Electric vehicles are being promoted as another alternative means of transport. The use and purchase of such vehicles is being encouraged through a decrease in their registration tax.

Park-and-ride systems are being proposed for the Hornworks and Crownworks ditches. Vehicles used particularly in this scheme - electric ones - produce no emissions and hence, no damage is incurred to the historic building fabric of Valletta and its periphery. The Authority is also concentrating on traffic measurement systems that would limit vehicular access to main, central business districts, recreational centers and village cores. It is also exploring the possibility of co-ordinating signal junctions in a way that would ensure smooth flow and consequently reduce pollution factors through the continual stopping and starting of vehicles.

The second part of this article will be featured next Sunday.

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